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[vdr] Re: Drop support for multiple video dirs? [was: FeatureRequest]


Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:
Manuel Hartl wrote:

hi klaus,


it would be very nice, if vdr stores recording parts from a movie on the
same drive.
(including *.vdr files like index.vdr..)
i do agree on that, atleast for the 00n.vdr files this is reasonable since that way no partitial recording get lost, only full ones :-(.

What I would really like to do is to get rid of this
altogether! I shouldn't have implemented this "spreading
recordings over drives and linking them together" in the
first place, but at the time it seemed like a useful idea.

well it still is, since raid would higher the loss, in case some one does not have at least 3 disk, and i wouldn't raid 5 my video stuff, since outages never came suddenly to me, they always "knocked on the door" before entering. and setting up a raid is not trivial, and it lowers the possibilty to recover files in case the os gest stuck.

Meanwhile disks are available in very large sizes, and if
someone really needs enormous amounts of disk capacity,
its probably a better idea to use a RAID approach.

hmm, i used raid at work in small and large scale, and compared to
having separate disks i see no reason to use for video files, exerpt
you wanted to protect it realy, which is quite expensive.

And even without support for several /video directories
you could still have several disks mounted under the top
level /video directory and store your recordings on the
various disks.
yes, that would be possible, but one losses the balancing mechanissm,
i love that mechanissm, since this way i can encode files (vdrrip plugin) to disk-01 and vdr automaticaly takes care of balancing the remaining diskspace,in the case of mounted folders i would have to copy vdr and or divx recordings manualy to make space for either new vdr recordings or new encoded divx files (which i store on disk like vdr recordings).

So here's my proposal: if nobody objects I'd like to
drop the support for multiple /video directories in
version 1.3. If necessary I can provide a script that
converts an existing linked /video0, /video1,... structure
into a plain directory structure.

Any comments?
hope you don't mind, i object for the sake of not changing it to keep what's known to work, or does someone know better?

Regards Onno

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