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[vdr] Re: vdr killed my video archive

Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
Another advantage of this is that it is cheaper and only a bit of "DJ".
The current per GB price is 0.50 EUR(excluding burner). Whereas a HDD
costs (in "ideal" case, excluding everything else) about 0.80-1.10 EUR
per GB.
That is not entirely correct.

*  For current street prices, check out
   Today, you can get a 160GB disk at 0.62 EUR/GB.

*  On a DVD-R, you will lose some of the space you paid for,
   unless you are lucky and the movie fits exactly (unless
   you make it fit by recompressing).

*  Sometimes even the best move is no longer worth watching.
   So the freedom to erase it and re-use the space is not to
   be ignored (at least for me).

And, of course I like the luxory to use vdr from my bedroom
(two floors away from the actual VDR PC) without having to
get up and insert new media. But this is getting far OT....


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