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[vdr] Re: Fragmented recordings on FAT32?

Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:

on disk?? If this is indeed the problem, might I suggest  that index.vdr


Since when is fragmentation a problem?

I guess you have bad hardware or there may exist a bug(/incompatiblity)
in either the Linux or WinXP FAT-driver but fragmentation isn't the
problem! Or there maybe a bug in the "handling", FAT is a bit fragile.
So correct unmouting etc. is a must.

But again, fragmentation in itself isn't (a/the) problem!

Well.. I'm no disk guru. WinXP's defragmentation tool said that
"defragmentation recommended".

In any case I'm going to solve this problem by repartitioning
my HD, yet one more time, and recording to Ext3. As for FAT32, I'm
stuck with having it around on my disk, it being the only common
partition type for both Mandrake and WinXP.


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