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[vdr] Re: Proposal/Announcement: Alternative SI library

Marcel Wiesweg wrote:
> Hi,
> when working with libdtv, I noticed some of its shortcomings:
> - the xMem-stuff is not thread-safe, VDR even has to use a global mutex
> - it is not possible to take a single part of a parsed structure, e.g. a
> single descriptor, and store it for later use (this also comes down to xMem)
> - it makes heavy use of macros
> - it's plain C, VDR is object-oriented
> - there is even code which g++ refuses to eat (xForEach)
> - everything is parsed, even if you only want to read a part
> I want to announce an alternative library, libsi, available from
> Advantages:
> - Object-oriented approach, C++
> - thread-safe in the sense that you can use the library from different threads
>   with as much objects as you like. Thread-safe access to a single object may
> require some work on the underlying storage class

Did I just not see it, or is there no crc checking implemented (yet)?


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