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[vdr] Re: Unified ALSA output plugin?

Gaubatz Patrick schrieb:
The idea with the DVI-output is the same I had some weeks ago...
My 'problem' is that we're going to get a new videobeamer and therefore I was searching for a way to get the videosignal from my DVB-card to my graphics adapter - no way! The only alternative would be something like MythTV or freevo. But their DVB-support is only preliminary, so the only way would be, to implent an "output-plugin" for VDR. Maybe DirectFB ( would be just perfect to do something like that...

You could switch from VDR to NMM ( It's a DirectX-like, but completely network-transparent multimedia middleware for Linux developed at the university of Saarbruecken.

It's example implementation MMBOX provides DVD-playback, audio-playback, analogue TV, DVB, recordings, ... It supports a lot of output-devices like DXR3, ..., XV, ...


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