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[vdr] Re: solved: segment faults from osdtelext plugin

Rainer Zocholl wrote: Olivetti)  04.12.04 18:55

However, that doesn't explain why *I* was not seeing it, since I'm
running vdr with LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1:

Well, I checked the mandrake spec file for the glibc rpm I'm using

How did you check it? (Or how can i check my libs?)
You url points only to make file.
To a spec file actually. I posted an excerpt that explains the options used during the glibc build process:
---[excerpt from the spec file]------------------
# Define TLS architectures
%define tlsarches %{ix86} x86_64 amd64
# Build with TLS
%ifarch %{tlsarches}

$ rpm --eval %ix86
i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon

"TLS" has two meanings:
TLS="Transport Layer Security" and
But that's managed by another library, so in the context of glibc..

tls="thread local storage"
..I think this is the correct definition.

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