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[vdr] Re: Suggestion: High speed cutting

I'd like to comment that I never found the cutting speed any problem, but at the moment I just don't cut at all as USB hard drive space is pretty cheap.

If there's something changed there I would like more accurate cutting, but this would require video encoding stuff. I'd need to do this prior to MPEG4 conversion, and I couldn't find any other software that was as easy to use for cutting video than VDR. (I've not tried MPEG4 for a year or so. As I said it's just easier to buy USB hard drives.)

Ari Huttunen

Udo Richter wrote:

Hi list,

I've been thinking about video cutting strategies, and I think its possible to speed up the cutting process noticeable, with some modifications to VDR. Here's what I think of:

1. Reduce file fragment size noticeable (I'd suggest 20mb instead 2000mb)

2. Change cutting strategy: If the source recording switches from one file fragment to the next, start a new file fragment on the destination too.

Now each file fragment that has no cut mark in it will be copied to destination 1:1, without changes. By that, we can:

3. If a source fragment has no cut mark in it, do a hard link from source folder to destination folder instead of copying the whole file frame by frame.

Now the only stuff that needs to be copied are the few blocks that have cut marks in it, plus index/marks/summary.

(+) A typical movie with three breaks would require ~80mb to be copied, not 3-4Gb.

(+) Should be done in 5-10 seconds.

(+) Dont need much disk space to do the cutting.

(+) No precautions needed if source gets deleted. Hard link will automatically turn into regular file.

(+) Compatibility: Set 2000mb fragment size and disable advanced strategies, and everything is as before.

(-) Needs true Unix file system. Fallback for FAT file system: plain old copy.

(-) VDR is limited to 255 fragments. This needs to be increased. 65535 sounds good.

(-) Change file names to 5 digits. (maybe only for fragments >999?)

(-) index.vdr slightly changes, to support more fragments. Use reserved byte for that. (backwards compatible if <256 files)

(-) File system has to handle more small files. Typically 200-300.

(-) No modification inside recordings allowed. (does not happen, or?)

What do you think? Worth implementing it? Too much trouble? A must-have? Anything else that may break?



E Mare Libertas
          <Sealand's national motto>

Ari Huttunen                   phone: +358 9 2520 0700
Software Architect             fax  : +358 9 2520 5001

F-Secure Corporation

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