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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.3.17 : 1sec blackout after zapping

kafifi wrote:

Hi all,

- vdr-1.3.17.
- kernel 2.4.26.
- driver 1.0rc5 (samed problem with 20041117 drv).

My vdr-1.3.17 has a strange behaviour after zapping ; could you please
explain to me what's happen ?
After vdr is on, each time I zap on a new channel (*) :
- vdr tunes ont the channel quickly.
- after one second image & sound are gone (black out)
- all remain OK after one more second.

I think that vdr-1.3.17 is checking channels parameters (maj vpid etc..) ,
but I am not sure that this blackout is normal

(*) If I tune more that one time on a channel, the problem is gone, like if
vdr has stored informations.

Any comment will be appreciate...

I believe it happens when the VDR autopid function has detected something new and then re-tunes to the channel.
If you disable that feature and this short blackout stops happening then you know what it is. Assuming you have the
feature active that is.

Cheers Brian

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