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[vdr] Re: Patch to avoid deletion of recordings, which have beenviewed (GMX) wrote:
What about a marker flag in the recordings menu saying 'this
recording is ready to be deleted'?
Why not just delete it ? (Yellow Button) VDR will then delete it when
he's a little bit idle !
Ok, this needs more explanation. ;)

I have lots of old recordings lying around, and let VDR do the cleanup whenever space is needed.

VDR currently deletes a recording if space goes below 1Gb, one recording is older than its lifetime, lifetime is not 99, filename does not start with %, and if priority is lower than all other recordings priority matching the previous criterias, or if priority is equal to least priority of all recordings matching the previous criterias and age is oldest of them. (not counting already deleted recordings. They will go first, in order of age.)

With all these conditions, its quite difficult to predict which recording will be deleted next if VDR runs out of disk space, or whether a certain recording is on the delete-list. Or worse, if VDR will completely run out of disk space soon.
I've written a Perl script that predicts the delete list quite well, but I think it would be even better if this was integrated into recordings menu.



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