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[vdr] Re: Multiple languaghes wrote:
I read most of that talk in this thread about multiple languages. I
think Klaus will fix the issues with his future releases of vdr-dev
1.3.x . Since I still use stable 1.2.6 with many Plugins and
Komplett-Patch, I'm not willingly too switch that fast to next
generation of vdr. But of course I d like to see left/right channel prob
somehow fixed on my system.
So the patch of Nilsn seems the right direction for me.
I read about the edit of the channels.conf done by the pref-apid-patch.
So I want to ask you Nilsn or anybody who can help, what can I do, if I
have already a reccord with two languages: one on the left and the other
on the right channel.
Ok I could demux the movie and do some video editing. But that should be
my last opportunity.
Maybe you (Nilsn, Klaus, other vdr-users) see a simple way, best would
be a patch, that vdr does the job for me. I think I will get some more
of these (strange) left/right multi-audio reccordings in the future.
I have basic knowledge in programming. So a good hint to the right
points of the source from  vdr.1.2.6 could help me, either. Patch would
be great. (And I imagine would also be less work than giving me a long
hint by explaining the sources of vdr. But feel free to do so if you
believe that I might become a needed developper. ;-)
Just implement some way of doing

  ioctl(fd_audio, AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT, AudioChannel)

in the device and call it from somewhere.
VDR 1.3.18 will contain this.


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