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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.3.18, language selection weirdness.

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Giving this more thought, maybe I misunderstood you.
I first thought that you had applied the "preferred audio" patch to VDR 1.3.18,
No, I applied it up to (but not including) vdr 1.3.18: first it doesn't apply and second I though that the built-in setting would accomplish the same thing. It seems it doesn't.

but now I believe that you're using plain vanilla VDR 1.3.18 and just have the
not exactly plain vanilla but no preferred audio patch

audio PIDs in a sequence that's different than that in the SI data - is that right?
I suppose, the existing channel.conf has been generated with the preferred audio patch previously, which would put the preferred languages first (without this kludge I could only select two languages I cannot understand).
1.3.18 didn't auto-update the channel though.

The order of the audio tracks in the audio menu will always be the same as
in the channels.conf entry.
So the language setting in the dvb options is only for selecting the default languange on channel switch?

As for the actual problem, I'll need to try this out here, which may take a few
days (it's back to work tomorrow...).
not a problem (well, actually it is since I can only select the first two pids, as before). I'll try to coerce the preferred audio patch or wait until all languages can be selected.

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