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[vdr] Several Audio issues in 1.3.18 (Analog-Out when switching Tracks and MP3-Plugin)

Hi Klaus, Werner, Stefan, list :-)

I have noticed several  weird behaviours with VDR 1.3.18's new Audio 
Facilities. You should be able to reproduce those taking the following steps:

Set Use Dolby to "yes" (for all cases)

Case 1 (Analog out):
- switch to an AC3-Channel
- select the AC3-Track (analog-out mutes, ok)
- switch to a non-AC3 Channel (analog-out doesn't unmute although stereo gets 
selected implicitly)

Case 2 (MP3):
- switch to a non-AC3 Channel or select Stereo Track
- start MP3 replay (NOW the selected songs seem to be decoded in highest 
possible speed. I don't hear anything, time passes greatly accelerated and 
cpu load suggests that the song is really only decoded in full-speed, 
discarding the wave-data afterwards)

Case 3 (MP3):
- switch to an AC3-Channel
- select AC3-Track
- start MP3 replay (works on spdif, nothing analog. Now pressing Mute TWICE 
sometimes fixes this. As I tried to reproduce this I saw that it doesn't 
always work)
- if the double-mute trick worked, exit MP3 (analog output isn't muted, but 
carries random noise, digital works ok)

VDR 1.3.18, MP3 0.9.9, DVB-Kernel branch_2_4 from one week ago, Firmware 261d.


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