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[linux-dvb] RTL2 & MPEG Data

Hi Dieter,

it seems like there is still some way until VDR will run with the new
DVB-Driver and Kernel in a way we can call as "stable". I have not the
opportunity to play around that much with my VDR-Box as it has gone
"productive" much earlier as wanted (high pressure of my custome, aka
family :)
So please, can somebody tell me if there is a way leading to Kernel 2.4x
and VDR?

I've noticed that the majority of my problems (frozen system, kernel
panic etc.) is liked with the implementation of ReiserFS in SuSE 7.1

Also I've got some problems to mplex files without getting a kernel
panic. Seems like ReiserFS 3.5 has some trouble with heavily used
partitions. To bad that there is no full NTFS5 r/w support :(
Maybe XFS will be much better.

Right now it seems  to mee like ReiserFS is full of bugs, but the only
feasible file system available. Right now this compination is had to

So long,

Jorg-Oliver Todamm

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