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[linux-dvb] vdr 0.72 and dvb 0.8.2 problems/hangs

hi all,

over the weekend i played around with the above mentioned versions:

- vdr gave me several hangs: recording mostly stops after various
amounts of time
  ( 5min to 30min), no matter if freetv or irdeto (4.7se), sometimes i
  record for 40 min _and_ have vdr reacting on commands afterwards

- when recording, pressing 'menu' sometimes gives an "outcommand error"
and a arm 
  reset, only a HARD system-reset makes it work again. the runvdr script
  be interrupted with control-c. startting runvdr again without
  gives 4 running vdr processes, but it doesn't react to any command

- cutting a recording: it seemed to me, that the cutting process lost
half of my
  video. i cut down 50min of recording to 40 min, vdr gave me a 25min
  how does cutting act normally? cutting 3 sequential files with 0B, 1GB
  700M resulted in a 400M file, then vdr appended to index.vdr (or the
  per-recording-file, not sure about the names) about 8B per
  second with heavy hd-accesses. after 10min i stopped cutting. is this

my system:
dual pentium 166 running 2.2.14 SMP
hauppauge (old version) with ci-module and irdeto 4.7se
lirc 0.6.2 with serial-hardware

maybe we can get this working til' tonight, cause i'd like to record
episode 1 ;-).

_ plain GmbH_______________________________________________________
  markus schorer              fon 089.540.149.0
  heimeranstrasse 68          fax 089.540.149.44
  80339 münchen     

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