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[linux-dvb] Re: many trouble no way out

>would be nice if you would share your knowledge with the rest of
>uy (regarding hw-specs)... ;)
>bye, reiner

ok, but i don't now if i'll be on the right way:

First time I use the follow config (works the most time very well)
Gigabyte 5AX, 128M RAM, K6-2 350, Elsa TNT2 AGP,  SB 128 live, WD 20 GB, Toshiba DVD M1212, 'the black case' from Klaus links, 1DVB-S with the CA-
Module, Iredeto SE4.7, Pemiere Abo-Card, 
3c509B, Firtz Card classic, SuSE 7.1, Kernel 2.2.18, DVB 082, VDR 072

Two Months later I add one DVB-S Card and get crashes (vdr and dvb hangs), squares on the TV Picure and loss of piture and sound during recording or 
So I installed the new SuSE 7.2, Kernel 2.4.4 and DVB 090 and VDR 083, but the problems getting more and it was absolute impossible to get a running 
system. (I noticed the problems getting more if the hardisk works or X runs)
Then I remove the Fritz Card and the 3c509 (ISA!), same effekt, so I dowloaded the newest CVS of DVB and the new VDR 084, same effekt. (very ugly)
Due I belive the interrupts the Kind of my problems, I switched the DVB's all position they can get at the PCI-Slots and test all possible BIOS configurations you 
can do.
No effekt (very, very ugly, I was down, no more ideas, my first posting on Sunday). 
Now I removed the Elsa Vanta TNT2 (somebody told me, it wont work together with the GA 5A<X>) and put in a very old PCI V7Spea with the effekt that my 
Monitor on the Console looks like shaked if the Harddisk works and afterwards 'make insmod' that dosen't end the hole time, so I 'make rmmod' and all's fine 
again (because of the Harddisk reaktion). Hmm, why ???  
There is a german comuter magazine (c't) I read long time ago the Voltage Regulator on some boards looks very small for a big System like the discribed one.
Look: CPU 12 Watts or more (?), 2 Dvb's ( one is about 15 Watts I read) and 128 Meg Memmory (big for a small 586 board)
AND I heard all time I switch the channel a 'singing' capacitor (needed for Voltage regulators), if the system hangs on switching, it sings a small melody ;-)
So I remove the hole stuff of my case (without the DVD and the Harddisk), put in another Mainboard (Asus A7V133 with Athlon 850) use the same graphic 
card, DVB's and a 3com Etherlink and get a working system that runs (without melodys).
At the moment I have some little trouble, but some like all days written in the mailing list (hangs afterwards recording on premiere, sometimes a channel switch to 
encoded channels take a while or dont work, the same result after playback) 
END of the long story, I hope some people can use this informations for himself (cost me lot of nerves to write all in english, enjoy ISBN 3-12-517140-7)

I'll be happy if somebody have some practical tips how to run dvb and vdr at system startup automaticaly (script?)

by Michael 

>>ok, get my sytem running well (other hardware config), and i think i know 
>>some part of the problem,
>>Axel, would you please discribe your system that runns with the problems 
>>(mainboard, cards, memory, harddisk)

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