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[linux-dvb] Re: original firmware vs. CIM modules


I've done some more experimentation. Here is a modified patch, which worked 
for me with vdr-0.98:

--- ../        Sun Nov 25 17:38:09 2001
+++ dvbapi.c    Sun Jan 13 10:17:35 2002
@@ -3211,6 +3211,26 @@
       SetTpid(Tpid, DMX_OUT_DECODER);
       if (fd_audio >= 0)
          CHECK(ioctl(fd_audio, AUDIO_SET_AV_SYNC, true));
+#if 1
+#include <ost/ca.h>
+       if (Ca)
+       {
+         static int fd_ca = -1;
+         ca_msg_t msg;
+         if (fd_ca == -1)
+           fd_ca = open("/dev/ost/ca",O_RDWR);
+         if (fd_ca >= 0) {
+printf("send %d to CAM\n",Pnr);
+           msg.type = 0xfffe; // this is changed from 0xffff in the 
previous patch
+           msg.index = Pnr;
+           ioctl(fd_ca,CA_SEND_MSG,&msg);
+           close(fd_ca);
+          fd_ca = -1;
+         }
+       }

    if (this == PrimaryDvbApi && siProcessor)

Also, in the channels.conf file, you must ensure that the 'Ca' field 
(2nd-to-last) is set to '1' and that the 'Pnr' field (the last one) has a 
valid value in it, like this:



At 21:11 04/02/02 +0100, you wrote:
> > need for a  patch to the program that does the tuning. It might be
> > worth trying to tune  to the encrypted channel with tuxzap instead of
> > vdr, as I haven''t actually  tested the vdr patch (I don't use the vdr
> > program myself). After applying  the patch you need to recompile
> > libdvb, and then re-compile tuxzap.
>Ahhhhh! Now I get a picture with my AlphaCrypt CIM on Premiere World.
>So, all we need now is a working tuning patch and a bigger OSD for use with
>VDR (or bigger TV screens ;-)
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