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[linux-dvb] Re: Fw: DVB audio/video decoder API

> capability... As far as I understand Ralph's work here he found a way
> to grab the TS data by directly reaching into the data stream at an earlier
> stage, before the PES packets are generated. maybe I'm misunderstanding
> something here, but the bottom line is: the driver should _always_ provide
> TS data - IMHO...

If the TS data CAN be directly grabbed (can someone confirm this?) I agree, 
but otherwise, maybe not :)

I really don't want to step on anyone's toes, so lets look at it from the 
user's point of view (which includes STB manufacturers).

If it is not strictly necessary to multiplex a TS stream in software in the 
driver and then demux it immediately after in the application it 
significantly lowers the performance requirements for STB controller 
hardware. While the cheapest available hardware today has no problem doing 
this anyway, I am also sure that nobody would mind having extra cycles to do 
other things with, if only to save some power.

To clear this up, can someone tell us exactly (please :) what the card 
provides, i.e. a nova card will provide a full TS stream, but about the other 

Maybe the DVB library will have settings:

FE_HARDWARE_TS // provided by card
FE_SOFTWARE_PES // demuxed by library, in software


FE_HARDWARE_PES // av7111 provides seperate streams
FE_SOFTWARE_TS // library can mux into TS stream, in software

and the application will have to make the sacrifice of supporting both for the 
benefits of lowered CPU requirements in those cases where it is an issue 
(low-cost STB's).

If I am way off, I apologize in advance! 

Best regards,

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