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[linux-dvb] Re: Fw: DVB audio/video decoder API

Johannes Stezenbach wrote:
> ...
> One thing the driver does which I think it shouldn't is emulating
> demux features in software that the hardware doesn't have.
> E.g. the AV7110 does not give us the TS, thus the output for
> the dvr device must be recreated in software from PES packets.
> IOW, there's a complete TS multiplexer implementation in the
> driver.

I wonder how the new firmware manages to provide several streams, then.
It looks to the application as if the entire TS would be available, so
it can record several programmes (from the same transponder) even on a
"full featured" DVB card (with AV7110). I wouldn't want to lose that
capability... As far as I understand Ralph's work here he found a way
to grab the TS data by directly reaching into the data stream at an earlier
stage, before the PES packets are generated. maybe I'm misunderstanding
something here, but the bottom line is: the driver should _always_ provide
TS data - IMHO...

> IMHO this should not be done in the kernel, but in a userspace library:
> - DMX_GET_CAPS must be defined properly
> - we need a libdvbdemux that looks at DMX_GET_CAPS and takes care of
>   emulating features that the hardware does not have if the user
>   requests them
> This is more a long-term project since the current driver is fairly
> stable and works well for many applicatons. But I would like to
> see DMX_GET_CAPS defined properly, and if someone would do
> some work on a libdvbdemux then someday we could remove the
> multiplexer stuff from the driver.
> Regards,
> Johannes


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