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[linux-dvb] Re: New firmware with more video buffer

At 13:10 02/06/2003, you wrote:
Works great! I tested all recordings which did not play with the old
firmware. No problems with teletext re-insertion and OSD until now.
It works great to decode the channels in question in the UK, but the decoder still deadlocks after a couple of hours. I don't think it's the size video buffer on its own. What else could have changed, especially on 30th August 2002 in the firmware concerning buffer handling which appears to make it lock up in continuous replay / transfer mode?

BTW, is it feasible to extend this concept in the future?
If video output is disabled, the B-frame/reference-frame buffers in
SDRAM could be used for a full-sized, full-color OSD.
Might be interesting for future applications...
It would be great if the firmware was modular on loading - i.e. if a certain parameter could be passed which allocated memory for feature x (like timeshifting on same card) etc. or disabled that feature and instead allocated teh memory to vid mem or osd . This would also be helpful to debug this problem to see which new feature or "cleanup" to make space for new features introduced the stability issue on replay.

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