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[linux-dvb] Re: [PATCH] Skystar2 pid filters reorganization

Roberto Ragusa wrote:
On Sat, 29 Nov 2003 05:29:43 +0100
Holger Waechtler <> wrote:

one of the first checks in the swfilter code will discard them. If you implement a second check in the hardware driver code this means that every packet gets checked twice which is probably more expensive.

Every accepted packet is tested twice.
Discarded packets are tested once (and very early).
So we gain here and loose there.

In relation to "one of the first checks", do you think that the swfilter
code is fast enough to let us just open_whole_bandwith when we're out of
hw filters?
sure, why not? All other decoder-less PCI cards wotk reliably the same way...

Consider that the unwanted/wanted ratio can be 5 or 10 in typical
usage and much higher in particular cases (we have to open
everything when scan is asking 10 pids).
I'd suggest to implement and activate the PID filters mostly to save PCI bus bandwidth, keeping the PCI latency low with many cards in your PC is usually a much more serious problem than CPU load caused by the software demux.

And in most environments you don't need the entire 38MBit Stream but audio, video and some section data streams which sum up to 4-10MBit...


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