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[vdr] Re: Feature suggestions


Am Donnerstag, 18. April 2002 09:58 schrieb Thomas Keil:

> - If you're recording something a key would be cool to set markings on
> the fly for cutting the recording later. This way it would be easier
> (and faster) to find commercial brakes later.

Do the time-shift thing.

> - VDR is capable to tune to radio stations :-)
> Radio doesn't have video broadcast (duh!), thus the screen stays black.
> It would be cool if the logo of the station would be displayed :-)

I don't wanna see the Fritz logo all the time on the screen. Do you see such a 
logo at your car/home stereo?

> - I'd like to have a second type of timer that just changes the channel
> but doesn't actually record.
> Like it tunes to my favorite radio station at 6am so that I can listen
> to it while getting up (the only thing I'd have to do then is to turn on
> my amplifier, on of the few things I'm alredy capable of in the morning
> ;-)) Another possibility would be that VDR just displays a message and
> changes on keypress...

This is very easy to implement, because vdr has the so called SVDRProtocol and 
your feature request is such a thing. Create a crontab entry and give your 
VDR a kick. Search for "HelpPages" in svdrp.c.

> - Really cool would be something like regular expressions in timers.
> Like this you wouldn't have to enter a time at all, VDR would
> automatically add a timer if it finds a given string in the EPG.

Very nice idea! Have a look at linvdr:

> - A Zap-Back key.
> To zap back to the channel you've previously been.

RTFM!!! Just press the "0" button. All right, I found this right in the moment 
as I wanted to implement it by myself, reading the source. :-)

> Comments?



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