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[vdr] Re: Re : VDR files to vob

Rene Bartsch wrote:
> ..
> The DVB does, but with other players (MPlayer, M$ MediaPlayer with
> Elecard Plugin) you have green distortions at the beginning of EACH
> VDR-file. Maybe it's the A/V-delay in PES-streams. What contradicts to
> switch VDR to PS, which can be handled by nearly any player?

Well, PES works fine with the DVB cards, so I didn't see the need to
do anything additional.

As far as I understand this, a PS consists mainly of PES, with some
additional packets containing some more information for the decoder.
If you can send me a patch that adds this to VDR, and if files created that
way can still be replayed over the DVB cards (without any changes, meaning
it must not matter whether the file has been recorded as PES or PS),
I might consider changing this.

However, since the DVB cards can easily replay PES, I wonder why other
players can't...


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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