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[vdr] Re: Real Live Meeting August 17th (follow up)

Szymon Polom wrote:

> English is fine :-).

ja but perhaps I didn't explained myself correctly: I couldn't 
understand german so I think I missed a lot of the talks.

I can tell you what was discussed by me personally:

- the image viewer is going on a stage where I clean up the code and 
make the user interface more powerful; I'm implementing a cache-system 
so you don't have to wait for resizing and encoding even if you have a 
slow pc. Also image-processing functions will be avaiable (brigtness, 
contrast, visual effects, rotations, etc)
I've setup a cvs server on sourceforge for this project:

- it would be a great idea, but we have to see if it's possibile without 
much effort, to make a plugin for vdr that automatically burns CDs of 
your recordings, selecting the kind of output (S)VCD, DIVX, etc

- we were talking about the IR remote and the LCD displays I have at 
home all the components but I was so lazy until now (actually, not 
enough time) to build up

- we were talking about the driver sometimes it's a bit unstable, 
specially when you have to display images from inside VDR

- etc etc etc


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