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[vdr] Re: Real Live Meeting August 17th (follow up)

Alessio Sangalli wrote:
> Szymon Polom wrote:
> > English is fine :-).
> ja but perhaps I didn't explained myself correctly: I couldn't
> understand german so I think I missed a lot of the talks.
> I can tell you what was discussed by me personally:
> - the image viewer is going on a stage where I clean up the code and
> make the user interface more powerful; I'm implementing a cache-system
> so you don't have to wait for resizing and encoding even if you have a
> slow pc. Also image-processing functions will be avaiable (brigtness,
> contrast, visual effects, rotations, etc)
> I've setup a cvs server on sourceforge for this project:
> - it would be a great idea, but we have to see if it's possibile without
> much effort, to make a plugin for vdr that automatically burns CDs of
> your recordings, selecting the kind of output (S)VCD, DIVX, etc

This feature could maybe implemented by some kind of 'postexec'
function, which calls an external program/script with some parameters
whenever a recording or cutting thread is finished... Don't know though
if it can be done within a plugin or needs some modification in the core
VDR code.

> - we were talking about the IR remote and the LCD displays I have at
> home all the components but I was so lazy until now (actually, not
> enough time) to build up

One question was how to wake up VDR by the IR remote when it's powered
down. Some ATX boards can be modem triggered on the RI line of the COM
ports. Perhaps that's a possibility to connect the IR receiver.

> - we were talking about the driver sometimes it's a bit unstable,
> specially when you have to display images from inside VDR
> - etc etc etc



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