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[vdr] Re: new Aldi remote control

Am Mittwoch, 28. August 2002 11:12 schrieben Sie:
> I just bought it, 7€ only, works with code 097 or 098 for example (I
> tried only few).
> It's a configurable 8in1, for the price a real "Schnäppchen".
> Only two things I don`t like, the color buttons are a bit little for my
> thumb, and
> with every key press a LED shines, I`m afraid that shortens battery
> life, and
> it's nothing written in the booklet, if it can be turned of. But both
> not that important.
> Here my lircd.conf
Thanks for that. I bought one too. Now I need a IR-Receiver. Have I to build 
one or buy over the net, or is there a chance to get some workin solutions in 
a PC-Store? I have tried to get a IRDA-Cabel for my MSI 6330 but with no 
luck. What does work better  IRDA or serial -IR-Receiver like described often 
on the net? 


P.S.: With this Remote Control I can ff the CD of my Technics , the original 
RCU doesn't do that. And if you assume the Powerconsumption is to high, you 
can buy  there too 8xMicro for around 1,99 (maybe also a real Schnäppchen ;o) 
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