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[vdr] Re: autostart for VDR

>''open -c2 runvdr"  did not Worx at all vdr is not starting & no error
>message, nothing happen
>I tried ''cd /usr/local/src/VDR ./runvdr '' it did work BUT i was not able
>to control the prog throug the keyboard it remains blocked on the last
>channel I was watching before last shut down
>the onlyway to stop it and restart it in normal mode (after login into
>peanut) is to open tty2   and do ''kill 278'' (the vdr pid) then restat
Ok, it seems to be that you are using the original runvdr script which lies
around in the /usr/local/src/VDR dir. Maybe this script starts vdr as demon
with the -d option. Can you have a look please in the script? If not you
have to wait until evening. :-)
What i also know is that you don't have used a script for installing VDR.
But no problem we will fight through.

>Then my question is, my set top box is suffering from no risk, what about
>suppressing totally the login ''root + passW''? is it possible to do
Yes. But not recommendable.

>I want to have peanut starting w/o prompting any login console directly to
>(like for instance a dos session) then with some kind of
>rc.local~autoexec.bat stuff, lauch vdr and enabling it to be controlled
>the keyboard while still working on the radio remote stuff
The problem is that you can send by mistake the wrong keys to the wrong
console and the results are unpredictably.
If you are skilled enough you will find really easily a solution for this.

>Tx, MedMed
>read u soon, if u prefer ;-)
Sounds better. :-)

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