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[vdr] Re: autostart for VDR

good morning evrybady....

''open -c2 runvdr"  did not Worx at all vdr is not starting & no error
message, nothing happen
I tried ''cd /usr/local/src/VDR ./runvdr '' it did work BUT i was not able
to control the prog throug the keyboard it remains blocked on the last
channel I was watching before last shut down
the onlyway to stop it and restart it in normal mode (after login into
peanut) is to open tty2   and do ''kill 278'' (the vdr pid) then restat

Then my question is, my set top box is suffering from no risk, what about
suppressing totally the login ''root + passW''? is it possible to do so?....
I want to have peanut starting w/o prompting any login console directly to #
(like for instance a dos session) then with some kind of
rc.local~autoexec.bat stuff, lauch vdr and enabling it to be controlled from
the keyboard while still working on the radio remote stuff

Tx, MedMed
read u soon, if u prefer ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "sschmidt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 9:58 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: autostart for VDR

>Thank u one more time :)
Hey, this a mailinglist. No need 4 endless thanks. :-)))

>>even if I would like to be able to navigate through the OSD from the PC
>>keyboard and soon I hope with the  remote control
>Aaah, that is a problem. :-) You have to change to console 2 after every
>restart of your system. With a irremote there will be no problem at all.
>@ can I try an
>@''open -c1 runvdr ''
>@to do it through the tty1 ??
This IS very dangerous because you have no possibility to change to the 2.
console to stop something. That's why i wouldn't do that. Trust me, you will
end up with a new install because you can't send some questions to me if you
do that. :-)
>Thanking u again  Herr Sschmidt
Like i said, no problem. That's what the mailinglist is for.

>C U very soon
Oh, really? ;-)
>Mehdi Reda-Fathmi
Greetings from Germany near Berlin

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