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[vdr] att / Schmidt {;o)

Hi ,
*> Yes. This is indeed tricky because if you hang your system you have no
> chance to go back. That's why this should do only skilled people.

@@@except if u assume a complete reinstall (which happened already twice to
me :-)

> I understand your needs really but it is hard for the pro's to discus real
> problems if the threads are floatet with linux beginner themes. The major
> drawback, i think so, is that then they will be listless to answer
> questions anybody interests.
> That's why i think it is better to discus such things on the right place.
> If you have some problems with peanut i think the peanut-forum is made for
> you and if you have probs with the script from tuum you are invited to
> discus this with me on:
> :-)
@@@Okay Man noted and posted

> >@@ concerning the install script, it is this peanut script called
> >on
> That's clear now.

@@@Isn't it ? ;o)
>> No, the is patched. It's not the original one.

@@@Ahhhhh I understand better know !!!

> Hmm, this is really simple. At first it declares some variables:
> **********
> VDR=vdr-1.0.2
> DVB=siemens_dvb-0.9.4-2002-04-01
> LIRC=lirc-0.6.5
> MAD=mad-0.14.2b
> A52=a52dec-0.7.3
> LIBDVD=dvdinstall
> AIO=vdr-1.0.2-AIO-06.05
> **********
> then it defines some functions which can be used direct or indirect. What
> means you can call a function like "getall" direct with "./ getall
> ". This will download all needed packages if not done so. therefore it
> the wget prog.
> The menu is made with the dialog package. Therefor you can read the

@@@ which manual ? I am eager to read it !!!

> Dialog is sometimes a little bit hard to understand but it fit the needs.

@@@ of course it does

> >@@nokia harddisk recorders are so expensive here in morocco considering
> the
> >average wages so don't even talk about it
> >or so. If you like to use vdr you should go the long way through linux to
> >vdr.
> The same here. That's why i'm using a old PC with P@233 (;-) now at
> and with a long linux learning process. I have done really wrong things on
> it and i have installed much much times. I'm not skilled in linux and i
> have locked my system several times. :-) U're free to do what you want but
> i think the harmless way is to use a ir fb. This costs, at least here,
> cent and will help your children to use vdr.

definitely :) but I will try to develop , if pros help me... , a plugin that
allow multimouse to work with vdr

> Hey hey, no problem but like i said meet me at the right place. :-) Then i
> can explain how to update my script for your needs. I don't know how good
> your german is but i said already on my homepage

@@@ is UR homepage TUUM ?

that the script was
> written because of the (new)userunfriendly behavior of dvb/vdr. Written by
> a beginner for other beginners to build a base for improvements. my
> experience is that i've got lots, and i mean lots, of hits on the homepage
> but no one was willing to help me out.

@@@ okay, I am willing (save willy)

> That's why the page has a unreadable state and is out of date now for a
> long time and i do enhancing only for my owe needs.

@@@No pb I can eventually help u doin the maintenance :)  got lot of free
time, when my wife allow me so ;o)

> >
> Hey, you don't bothering me. You have only asked the right question on the
> wrong place. :-)

@@@ just kidding my friend :)  :) :))

> >
> >A sunny and ''smoky'' Hello from casablanca, Morocco
> >MedMed
> Greetings from the not so sunny Berlin

@@@ I saw the weather forecast for germany  u r around zero :(( any rain? or
not yet ?

> P.S. i saw you where already active in:
> ew&ENTRY=1031690647&mainid=1031653211
> ???
@@@ just a quick question , my german is poor (really poor) even if my mom
is german, i ve been raised in french for political reasons ....:) can u
eventually accept to help me in english as u r already doing ?
I went to the forum, shall i use the same forum as  the url u mentionned or
shall i creat a new stuff, once again Ich schprache keine deutch (oder ein
bishien hehehehe :)  :) lol (french writing :((

finally I think that it is better not to fill this help mailing list with
newbies questions (for the moment) starting from now the post will be in
romanum ;)

 read ya

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