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[vdr] Re: summer / wintertime: 24h-recording

Uwe Heinrich wrote:
> Hi,
> I found something nice:
> recording from epg: start 2:30 am (dst) end 3:14 am (dst) or 2:14 am ( in winter time)

Can you verify exactly whether the end time was 3:14 am or 2:14 am?
This makes all the difference. A timer from 2:30 am to 2:14 am will record
23 hours and 44 minutes, while one from 2:30 am to 3:14 am will record just
44 minutes. Well, with the DST switch things are a little more complicated:
the 2:30 am to 3:14 am timer will start at 2:30 and record for half an hour.
Then the time is set back to 2:00, so it will stop recording, until it gets
2:30 again. Then it will record its 44 minutes until 3:14. The 2:30 am to 2:14 am
timer on the other hand will also start recording at 2:30, and after half an hour,
restart at 2:30 and record all the way until 2:14 next day.

I'm not sure how this could be done better, since VDR can't know that a 
2:30 am to 2:14 am timer is _not_ meant to record 23:44 hours.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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