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[vdr] Re: summer / wintertime: 24h-recording

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Klaus Schmidinger" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 5:38 PM
>Subject: [vdr] Re: summer / wintertime: 24h-recording
>> Can you verify exactly whether the end time was 3:14 am or 2:14 am?

No- sorry, I can't. It was an autotimer from vdradmin, and guess- yes
slightly misconfigurated according to the logfile...
When I looked into "timers" on sunday afternoon, it was start 2:30 and end
Therefore I think it came this way over the air.

If I look over this thread- I feel that it is time to apologize:
Too much writing / thinking / discussing for such a small
bug/incident/wrong-right epg-data.

Forget about my inquiry- I'll try to remember next year and correct it
And: if I _really_ like to have some recordings _not_ to be deleted, I'll
set it's priority to '99' by myself.

Thanks to all!


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