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[vdr] Problem with console plugin vdr-console-0.1.0


I have just another question about the console plugin. Normally I control VDR 
with LIRC and I run VDR in the Background. But I would also like to use the 
Console-Plugin controlled by my keyboard.

I tried the following settings (which were already announced in the list):

* compile the Plugin with REMOTE=LIRC or REMOTE=NONE
* using vdr --terminal=/dev/tty12 or -P'remote -t /dev/tty12'
* using -Pconsole or -P'console -r'

But it didn't work at all!

I can now control VDR with my keyboard on tty12 with Pconsole, but as soon as 
i start the console plugin with P'console -r', VDR tells me to learn the new 
keys, but this is impossible. There is no reaction on the keyboard on tty12 
and even no reaction on my remote.
Without the -r switch I can navigate to the plugin and start a new console 
and see the text "login:" but i can't write anything. The "K" on the top 
right appears but I can only use the keyboard for the normal VDR-Commands 
(example: 'm' to quit the menu)

I hope that somebody can help me with my problem!

Best regards,
Mario "Charly" Aistleitner

Charly's Virtueller Bierhumpen
Zainze 29
A-4230 Pregarten

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