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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.1.20

Oliver Endriss wrote:
> Ulrich Petri wrote:
> > Oliver Endriss wrote:
> > > The correct way to use '&' is:
> > > vdr < /dev/tty9 > /dev/tty9 2>&1 &
> >
> > You're kidding? Aren't you?
> Not at all!
> > Thats exactly the point why everyone says linux is user-un-friendly,
> > because of such more-complicated-than-it-has-to-be Things.
> It's just the right way to use the powerful[tm] '&' command.
> man bash. Read the section about process control.
> Nobody is forced to use the '&' command. But if you do you have to do 
> it the right way. If you want to start vdr in the background, 
> don't say
> 'vdr &', because vdr will get blocked when it tries to read 
> from stdin.
> Use 'vdr -d' instead. That's pretty easy...

Its very clear to me. But if vdr behaves like you suggested, i bet there
will be 500 msgs on the list like "My vdr hangs right after start, i
cannot do anything". Even if it is explicitly mentioned in the rel.
notes and README.
Why make things more complicated if an easier solution is possible?

CU Ulrich

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