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[vdr] Re: EPG data for Nova-t and UK users?

Richard Walker wrote:
> ...
> > > Has anyone investigated any scripts that might pull EPG data from
> > > free-ish sources and import it into VDR?
> >
> > No but epg2timers is working well here for automatically scheduling
> > recordings.
> How do you get entries into your EPG file, though?

Take a look at the script that comes with the 'sky'
plugin (part of the 1.1.x. VDR distribution). It contacts a site
that provides the tv guide for the Sky channels, extracts the data
from the HTML pages and sends it properly formatted to a running
VDR. The resulting EPG data looks just like any other EPG data that
comes with the DVB data stream. Shouldn't be too hard to adapt this
script to any other source of programme information...


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