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[vdr] Re: Finding channels

> Hi,
> Is it possible to find the cable channel data for channels.conf if it's
> not included in the downloaded versions? I've tried for hours to fiddle
> with "dvbtune", "dtv_scan" and a host of different versions of the
> DVB-driver, and I have given up. Nothing even seems to give at least a
> sense of hope, and I feel that the 300¤ for the card were thrown down the
> drain. VDR itself compiles and runs fine, at least it doesn't seem to log
> any crashes. The DVB drivers (all versions) compile fine and insmod
> without any visible problems, so the hardware seems to be ok:ish.
> Is digi-TV a luxury for Windows or for central Europe only? Up here in
> Finland nothing works. :( I've even tried to feed "dvb_tune" the frequency
> data found on this page (in Finnish only, of course):
> but nothing works. Well, the card seems to not be broken, so at least I
> should be able to sell it to some other poor sod and cover part of my
> costs.
> -- 
>     Greebo could, in fact, commit sexual harrassment simply by sitting 
>                     very quietly in the next room.
>                                              -- Terry Pratchett, Maskerade
try to use the "scan" utility from the DVB driver (./DVB/apps/scan/). It
tunes through all channels and if the driver loads it should work too. I used
the frequencies as transponders for dvb_tune to get a list of all services and

Greetings Helge.

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