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[vdr] Re: Mux A / Channel 5 UK DVB-T broken with VDR, dvbstream works...

At 08:54 09/01/2003, you wrote:
Does this happen in _live_ viewing mode? I.e., does VDR just tune the card
and you watch tv over _that_ card's tv out connection? Or is there "Transfer Mode"
involved? What happens if you record a programme and then replay it?
Hi Klaus,
this happens in transfer mode. My posting yesterday was a bit unqualified in that I said it was related to the "MPEG decoding". Obviously it can't be that, because the DVB-s card does the MPEG decoding and it does it just fine when it gets the data from mplayer and a fifo file.

I've played about with the buffer sizes in transfer.c and MINVIDEODATA and RESULTBUFFERSIZE in remux.h without success. I've noticed right after the stream starts looking odd there *is* actually a "buffer empty" in the logs, just for once.

I also found to get more "buffer empty" messages in a row and increase the problem I can activate if (!gotBufferReserve) in transfer.c with
if (ringBuffer->Available() < 8 * MAXFRAMESIZE) {
this is a shorter usleep time as suggested in the commented-out code...
I wish I could make it better rather than worse by chaning the code at this point but that doesn't work at the moment. It's either worse or I generate a ring buffer overflow after the buffer fills up (80%, 85%, 90%, overflow) (in 1.1.20 - older versions don't seem to report that).

So as it looks like there's something happening with the buffering or frame size in transfer mode. What I don't get is why it's only that transmitter and all other muxes and channels are fine....

- Gregor

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