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[vdr] Re: current consumption (was: Stromverbrauch)

Tobias Meyer-Janson wrote:

>"Rienecker, Fa. Evenio, ITS P, M" <> wrote:
>>It depends on how the Mainboard is designed. [...]
>>And on top of that there are large differences on how much power a power
>>supply can deliver on each output voltage.
>That's what I believe, too. As far as I know the K7S5A mainboard needs
>much stable power and combined with my "Codegen 300 W" power supply I
>think it's not safe. So I want to calculate what I really need and by a
>good new power supply to get a stable system.
>I think this cannot be worse, though I thought that the DVB cards would
>take more energy.
>My system:
>K7S5A LAN, Duron 1 GHz, 256 MB
>Maxtor 80 GB, Maxtor 200 GB
>3x FS DVB-S 1.3
>PSU: Codegen 300 W
This is interesting, because the motherboard of the PC with which I had 
the problem (mentioned below) is a similar model, namely K7VZA. Could it 
be that we have the same problems?



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