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[vdr] AW: Re: vdr cuts recordings with ugly artifacts at cutting-points

wow, quite some feedback!

> But I also see block artefacts at cutting points. I can get rid of them
> with PVAStrumento, but this creates mpegfiles, not VDR recordings...

but i assume that means throwing away some gops, right?

> Hmm.... maybe I should add an option to PVAS to output vdr recordings ?
> I'll be thinking about that.

but in order to get dvd-compliant material (or at least material that any
other application under windows would open, one would have to convert the
stream again..

> The reason for the artefacts (although cutting at I-frames) lies in the
> structure...

thx for that explanation. i would have expected closed gops froam a
broadcast-station, but maybe i am missing a point and it makes any sense for
them to send non-closed gops..

> What PVAStrumento does at cut-points is that it simply throws away
> referring to a "previous" GOP (which can be determined because the GOP is
> then flagged as "not-closed").

?!? i thought the stations send non-closed gops in general, so all the gops
should be marked as not-closed. i must be getting something wrong here..

> As I'm almost through with adding marks.vdr processing to PVAS

do i get it right? pvas would then be able to do the cutting? no more
artifacts? that would be a good step into the desired direction..

> I will consider adding vdr-output to PVAS - which should not be too
> different from mpeg2-PS output.

but these wouldn't just open up in any authoring-software, or?

something else: as i read in the faq, there is an option to insmod the
driver for the dvb card with a parameter that will make it output program
streams. that is actually what i was looking for in the first place. i just
didn't get the module to load with that parameter. can anyone tell me more
about this and the downsides wich i guess will be plenty because nobody
seems to use that feature while still everybody is on the hunt for program

also i wonder if anyone knows a way to make a program stream out of the
vdr-format under linux directly?

my regards,

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