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[vdr] Re: issues with receiver thread

Michael Reinelt wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm using VDR since two months, and I'm basically very happy with it.
> Congratulations for this fine program!
> But there are some issues which I'd like to solve, I debugged a bit in
> the code, and found that the cause is the receiver thread.
> I'm running VDR on a disk- and fanless EPIA-M6000 with PXELINUX and
> nfsroot. This works fine.
> When I boot the box, after initialisation the load average is nearly
> 0.0, CPU temperature is about 57°C, and the box consumes about 30W.
> As soon as I start a recording, load rises to 0.20, CPU temperature to
> 64°C, 37 W, which is what I would expect.
> But when the recording is finished, the values stay at these levels! I
> have to restart VDR to get the initial low values.
> I found out that the receiver thread uses the CPU regularly (about
> 5-15%). The reason why the receiver thread does not exit is the transfer
> thread, which does not consume any CPU time. I couldn't find out why the
> transfer thread does not end after recording.

When a recording starts, the currently viewed channel is put into Transfer Mode
if this is the same one as the recorded channel. The reason for this is that the
user shall be able to switch to different live channels on the same transponder
while the recording is going on. When the recording finishes, there is no action
taken to put the live channel back into "non Transfer Mode", since this would
cause a short glitch in the live programme, which might annoy the users.

You can easily turn Transfer Mode off by just doing a channel switch.

Maybe VDR should attempt to put the live channel back into "non Transfer Mode"
after a recording ends (and there is no other recording going on). but, as I said,
this will cause a short glitch in the live channel...


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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