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[vdr] Re: vdr crashes with mplayer plugin

Marc Lentwojt wrote:
> Hi,
> i tried three different - scripts. The one included in 
> mp3-plugin from, then the one mentioned on hubertus` site
> and another one from
> Tried to recompile mplayer with correct options. Always the same. I 
> choose a file in the OSD, press play and first nothing happens,
> then a process from starts, mplayer-child starts and last the 
> picture in vdr stands still. (TV-Stream)
> Killing VDR is only possible with kill -9 PID. After killing mplayer 
> with -9 the mplayer - child becomes a zombie.

I think it all works like it should, but you didn't point the configure
script from MPlayer to the DVB-driver sources. So it cannot play via the
DVB card. To confirm this, search for a file called "grab.mpg". If you
find it, you have to recompile MPlayer with the configure option
--extraincdir=/path/to/DVB/include or put the DVB sources into /usr/src/DVB.


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