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[vdr] Re: keymap for MD4688 (Was: [Info] Remote control plugin: keymap for remote control MBO-81095)

Wolfgang Fritz schrieb:
That's correct. The reason for this hack was that the MD4688 has special
keys for a VCR device (play, pause, record etc). This keys can only be
switched to VCR or DVD. The "general purpose" keys can be switched to up
to 8 devices, including the VCR and DVD.
on my md4688 universal ir its code VCR 336 that enables all but 1 keys
leaving 39 usable keys incl. vcr specific keys for ffwd/rec/frew ....
just in case your ir also supports that code .

The driver gets the raw 13 data bits from the hardware. In its present
state it has only one lookup table for the key codes. The device address
can only be used to filter out a special device.

oh thats bad, i suspeced that but i couldn't understand enough of the
code to get that myself.

It would be nice if you could assign an event to an address/data
combination. This way you would get a uniqe key code for each device/key
combination. I thought about that for a short time, but my hack was the
fastest solution for my problem.

yes that would help a lot, also it could make an univeral ir code
config file possible, although i doubt that this will be possible.

perhaps also a good question for the dvb ml, i consider that after
reading the code of av7110_loadkeys.c one more ....

i will do so now.

Regards Onno

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