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[vdr] dvb-kernel and UPT-Error


meanwhile I've installed dvb-kernel (CVS of today) on my 2.4.21 Kernel.
Now I'v noticed a new/self-repairing/whatever behaviour:
After heavy zapping through 20 FTA channels I got the well known
UPT-Error. But: after ca. 10 seconds the disturbed picture gets clear
and vdr behaves absolutely normal: no further UPT-Error or anything
else. Perhaps we found a workaround with using dvb-kernel?

I noticed that I got an log entry like
ERROR (transfer.c: 111): Operation not permitted
exactly then, when the UPT-Error occurs on one of the 20 channels.
Maybe we should give the dvb-device a little bit more time to lock
the channel correctly. 

Is it possible, that the dvb-kernel acts faster than the normal dvb-driver?
I think at least here it is so when loading the modules, switch channels,
start transfer mode, etc.

Nevertheless I'll now try dvb-kernel with vdr 1.2.5 and check, if the
UPT-Error will occur while "normal" watching (no heavy switching,
some recordings, ...)


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