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[vdr] Re: VDR-distros should collaborate ...

Am Montag, 29.09.03, um 14:14 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb Carsten Koch:

I think they cover different scopes: The LinVDR distro seems to be designed
for minimum size, so maybe it will make sense on a diskless machine that
boots from a flash disk or a USB stick. Very nice, but way too complicated
for the average Windows user who just wants to try VDR out.
LinVDR understands itself as a complete solution. Of course, i can get a normal Distribution and install all the necessary things to get VDR running, but this takes much time and you have to know much things about VDR and Linux.

LinVDR is "ready to use". Just install the Distribution and use it.

Now take your own opinion whats the "way to complicated" solution.

ctvdr is excellent for those people. Heck, maybe it even gets some of them
started on Linux for good. I think it's a great idea that they made it small,
but allow the user to add everything that's missing easily.
Sorry, but Linux guys often forgets that theres people out there who just want to _use_ software. Not everyone is willing to spend the time or knowledge to learn all the necessary things to get a VDR solution running.


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