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[vdr] Re: a new idea?

On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 01:20:25PM +0200, wrote:
> Hi,
> with all those software on standard unix environment I was
> wondering if it was possible (well it is possible but is there
> someone to do/port it) to write X-server for DVB-card output.

I notice a new release of libvncserver,

the blurb goes:

   LibVNCServer is a library which makes it easy to make a VNC
   server, i.e. a server for vncviewers. All you do is provide a frame
   buffer and some I/O functions, and call a function each time the
   frame buffer changes. It supports all encodings known, including
   tight, zlib, ZRLE, and cursor encodings. It also includes the HTTP
   server known from Xvnc, so you can start a java viewer by surfing to
   http://my.vnc.server:5801 or similar. It includes x11vnc, a WinVNC
   lookalike much like x0rfbserver or KRFB, which makes it possible to
   view existing X sessions via vncviewer. Also included is LinuxVNC,
   which is to the Linux console as WinVNC is to the Windows desktop.

So, in theory, this should be quite easy to support.

In a similar vein, I looked at w3m, a text mode web browser which
incorporates picture display.

I notice the API for picture display is almost trivial, supporting
a frame buffer-like interface.


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