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[vdr] No sound on RTL (some times)


I've written to the list a few weeks ago with the same problem. Now I'm
pretty sure, that with newer versions of dvb-driver and dvb-kernel the channel
RTL or - to be more exactly - the sound of this channel get lost. If I switch
to RTL, there is some times no sound. When I switch (for example) to SAT1 or
even to Super RTL I've sound. Switching back to RTL: No sound. With driver
before 1.11.03 I've never had this behaviour. Only a restart of the driver bring
back the sound.

Can anyone confirm this?

tested with vdr 1.2.x and vdr 1.3.0, several (recent) dvb-driver and
dvb-kernel versions, channels.conf from the vdr-distribution, no plugins&patches


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