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[vdr] Re: merge vdr files.

Le 01/18/2004 12:13 AM, Wolfgang Goeller a joliment écrit : wrote:

There is no more such a limit.

Kernel documentation ext2.txt says :

Filesystem block size:     1kB        2kB        4kB        8kB

File size limit:          16GB      256GB     2048GB     2048GB
Filesystem size limit:  2047GB     8192GB    16384GB    32768GB

Did you verify this with NFS and rcp? AFAIK there is still the
2 Giga - limit with many network-based tools.

I don't try to send a over 2 gb file via nfs.
The vdr files are on a nfs mounted partition, I cat them locally.
That means that only under or = 2gb vdr file are send via nfs.

I'll try today with an ext3 partition.


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