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[vdr] Re: I need some testers/debuggers for softdevice 0.0.5

Colin Paton wrote:


I've had (some) success using softdevice 0.0.5 with DirectFB CVS and an
EPIA-M motherboard (Nehemiah M10000).

I had to tweak the makefile to add some DirectFB includes in, but I think
this is because I haven't installed DFB++ correctly.

I also had to add #include <iostream> and 'using namespace std' to the top
of video-dfb.c to get it to compile with gcc 3.2 (a la RedHat 8.0)

I had to make the following changes:

Add: videoLayer->setOpacity(0xaf); after 'printf Using this layer for Video
out' in video-dfb.c

in order to allow the OSD to appear. However, this has darkened the video

I removed the call to resize the screen (dfb->SetVideoMode) as this didn't
work and therefore caused the code to exit. I haven't yet investigated why.

Removed the calls to DLOP_DST_COLORKEY and DEINTERLACE in video-dfb.c
otherwise video would not play; videoLayer->SetConfiguration would raise an
exception and cause the code to exit.

I changed it to dlc.options = (DFBDisplayLayerOptions)0;




Could you share the changes you had to make to the Makefile to get
this to compile with DirectFB/DFB++?

Do you still think you've installed DFB++ incorrectly? I just
did a configure/make/make install under the same prefix as


Simeon Walker,                      email:
School of Biological Sciences,      phone: +44 (0)1248 383702
University of Wales, Bangor,        fax: +44 (0)1248 382569
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