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[vdr] DVB & VDR - choice of cards

I am new to DVB, VDR, etc. I have read the FAQ's, search the archives and
trawled the web. I'm getting to understand this a bit better, but there are
a couple of question I want to ask the list: 

I have been singularly unsuccessful finding an outlet for premium DVB-T
cards. I know TechnoTrends advertise one, but how can you get hold of it? 

Failing this, do I need a premium DVB-S card to provide the MPEG conversion
and a Video out channel to use VDR? 

As an alternative, can I use a hardware MPEG card and a TV-Out graphics
driver? Or my monitor? 

Sorry if these sound like newbie questions, but I'm just having problems
with the steepness of the learning curve. 

(For what its worth, I am currently trying to build Linux 6.4.1 from
Mandrake 10 test release, with a Nebula DigiTV DVB-T card). 

Adrian Challinor

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