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[vdr] Re: mp3plugin + 126p6AIO ... etc

Am Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2004 18:18 schrieb Stefan Huelswitt:
> On 06 Feb 2004 Steffen Barszus <> wrote:
> > Yep it reacts axactly the same as described. whereever i are in the dir
> > structure - if i press the yellow button for "play all" it plays allways
> > the same dir. Possibility one: I don't understand how it is supposed to
> > work, Possibility two: there is a bug. What i would like it have to do is
> > if i press that button it plays all songs that are in current dir
> > including dirs and subdirs.
> The way it's supposed to work is (not that this way sounds
> logical to me today, but it did when I put together the code):
> To play a directory (and it's sub dirs) browse to the parent
> directory of the one you want to play, move the cursor to the
> directory name and press the red "play" button (not "ok" as this
> will enter the directory).
> Obviously this way it's not possible to play the complete MP3
> source, as you can't browse to the parent of the base directory.
> So if you're in the base dir (and only then) the yellow "play
> all" is shown, which means play all files on this MP3 source.
> Regards.

Ahhh but then if yellow "Play all" isn't  shown it should not start playing 
the whole source ;) Stupid me i was ;) Ok so its a feature request from me 
and not a bug :D

Ok thanks anyway for clearing this 


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