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[vdr] Re: two or more harddrives and performance

Manfred Schmid wrote:

i am using vdr with 1 hardrive, this has a performace of about 17mb/s. With more than 3 recordings the vdr will have many dropouts - i think this is cause of performance of hardrive.
I had been noticing a few performance anomalies when accessing files created by simultaneous recordings. I noticed particular problems when I recorded a radio program and a TV program simultaneously. When I later tried to read the radio file I found that the drive maxed out at a read speed of only 1MB/s (the drive which normally manages 30MB/s on large reads!).

In order to try and narrow down the cause I wrote a benchmark program to emulate the kind of simultaneous streaming writes performed by VDR. The benchmark opens a number of files and then loops around writing a small amount of data to each file in turn. I don't have the source with me at the moment, I'll will post a copy for reference later.

What I found was that the performance depends a lot on the filesystem used. I don't have the results file with me either, the information below is all from memory, so please forgive me if I post some figures later which don't quite match these, but it should give you an idea of the kind of differences that i'm seeing.

The performance of the drive when reading a single big file was around 30MB/s
Then I tested the same drive by writing 2 files simultaneously (4kB to each file in turn) and then measuring the speed that the file could be read back from the drive.
- The worst performing filesystem was EXT3 (I think about 6MB/s)
- Then EXT2 and Reiserfs both ~12MB/s.
- The best performing were XFS and JFS both ~27MB/s, a near perfect result.

I believe that the cause for these massive performance differences seems to be that the block allocation strategies of the filesystems start to degenerate when they have multiple simultaneous small writes. The result is that the blocks on the disks for the different files get interleaved, fragmenting all the files.

The ~50% performance of ext2 and reiserfs are probably explained by this interleaving of the disk blocks of two files on the disk.

EXT3 seems to have even bigger trouble, I think that the journalling information ends up fragmenting the file even more.

I believe that XFS and JFS must be intelligently allocating the blocks on the disk, aggregating the small writes together so that the disk can read the data in much larger, unfragmented, amounts.

The Radio+TV case is an extreme example because the data rate is approx 20 : 1 (500kBps:24kBps). When these files are interleaved on the disk the result is the drive performance being reduced to ~1/20th of the unfragmented read rate.

VDR could help the situation by buffering up the writes into much larger blocks. Writing the data in blocks of around 256kB - 1MB seem to almost completely avoid the slowdown with ext3. I took a quick look into the file writing code and there doesn't appear to be an easy way to do this.


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