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[vdr] Re: two or more harddrives and performance (filesystemstreaming performance benchmark)

Jon Burgess wrote:

In order to try and narrow down the cause I wrote a benchmark program to emulate the kind of simultaneous streaming writes performed by VDR. The benchmark opens a number of files and then loops around writing a small amount of data to each file in turn. I don't have the source with me at the moment, I'll will post a copy for reference later.
I have attached a copy of my benchmark program. It isn't particularly polished, here is a very quick summary of what it does:
- Writes to N files simultaneously, using a 4kB write to each file at a time.
- Reads each one of the N files on its own.
It tests a single file and then writing to two files and can be changed to do any number you like.
Please be aware that you need to be careful to use a clean filesystem and make sure the files are larger than your RAM size to avoid caching effects. I did a lot of my tests with a kernel booted with "mem=128M single"

Here is the output of a test run, using ext3 on an old drive:

Writing 256Mb of data to 1 files in parallel
Transferred 256Mb of data in 9.95 seconds (25.73Mb/s)
Reading files in sequence
Transferred 256Mb of data in 8.77 seconds (29.21Mb/s)

Writing 128Mb of data to 2 files in parallel
Transferred 256Mb of data in 530.84 seconds (0.48Mb/s)
Reading files in sequence
Transferred 128Mb of data in 114.09 seconds (1.12Mb/s)
Transferred 128Mb of data in 119.04 seconds (1.08Mb/s)
Transferred 256Mb of data in 233.14 seconds (1.10Mb/s)

The results above show what a huge difference in performance can occur when ext3 used to record a stream of two files to disk simultaneously. This is obviously effected by the hard drive and the size of the writes (vdr typically writes more than 4kB, but not much more typically only in the 10 - 50kB range).

Below are the results comparing the performance of two different hard drives and different filesystems.

Firstly a test of some different filesystems on a fairly old large drive (Maxtor 60GB IDE, 2MB Cache, model 96147H6)
The numbers shown are the average speed in MB/s.

Num streams |1 1 |2 2
Filesystem |Write Read |Write Read
Ext2 |27.7 29.17 | 5.89 14.43
ext3-ordered |25.73 29.21 | 0.48 1.1
Reiserfs |25.31 26.25 | 7.47 13.55
JFS |26.27 26.95 |26.92 28.5
XFS |27.51 26.00 |27.35 27.42

All filesystems give good performance for streaming a single file to and from the disk and shows that the disk has still fairly respectable performance.

As soon as the benchmark tries two streams ext3 performs really badly. Writing at 0.48MB/s is barely enough for a single DVB TV channel.

XFS and JFS are clearly the winners, giving exactly the same performance streaming two files as they do with one.

The ext3 results are improve significantly on a higher performance hard drive. Below are the resuls of ext2/ext3 tests on a
new Seagate 80Gb SATA, 8MB Cache, model ST380023AS.

Num streams |1 1 |2 2 |4 4
Filesystem |Write Read |Write Read |Write Read
Ext2 |40.17 43.07 |10.88 21.49 |10.13 11.41
ext3-journal |16.06 42.24 | 7.56 16.28 | 7.17 11.25
ext3-ordered |37.31 43.12 | 4.64 15.33 | 5.25 11.28
ext3-writeback |37.33 42.93 | 4.00 14.88 | 2.97 11.26

Please let me know if you have any comments about these results or if you have some interesting results of your own.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#define BSIZE  (4 * 1024)
#define BALIGN (4096)

#define MAX_NAME (256)
char base_name[MAX_NAME];

char *get_name(int n)
  static char name[MAX_NAME + 5];
  sprintf(name, "%s%d", base_name, n);
  return name;

void display_rate(struct timeval start, struct timeval end, int len) 
  int d_s, d_us;
  float sec;

  d_s  = end.tv_sec  - start.tv_sec;
  d_us = end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;

  sec = d_s + d_us / 1000000.0;

  printf("Transferred %dMb of data in %.2f seconds (%.2fMb/s)\n",
	 len, sec, len / sec);

void create_files(int n, int sz)
  int out[n], i;
  char tmp[BSIZE+BALIGN];
  char *buf = (char *)(((unsigned int)tmp + BALIGN - 1) & ~(BALIGN - 1));
  int pos;
  struct timeval start, end;

  printf("Writing %dMb of data to %d files in parallel\n", sz, n);

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    out[i] = open(get_name(i), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
    if (out[i] < 0) {
      perror("Creating output file");

  memset(buf, 0, BSIZE);
  gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

  for (pos = 0; pos < (sz * 1024 * 1024); pos += BSIZE) {
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      if (write(out[i], buf, BSIZE) != BSIZE) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "Problem writing output file\n");
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {

  gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

  display_rate(start, end, sz * n);

void read_files(int n, int sz)
  int fd[n], i;
  char tmp[BSIZE+BALIGN];
  char *buf = (char *)(((unsigned int)tmp + BALIGN - 1) & ~(BALIGN - 1));
  int pos;
  struct timeval o_start, o_end;

  printf("Reading files in sequence\n");

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    fd[i] = open(get_name(i), O_RDONLY);
    if (fd[i] < 0) {
      perror("Creating reading file");

  gettimeofday(&o_start, NULL);

  for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    struct timeval start, end;

    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
    for (pos = 0; pos < (sz * 1024 * 1024); pos += BSIZE) {
      if (read(fd[i], buf, BSIZE) != BSIZE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Problem reading file\n");
    gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
    display_rate(start, end, sz);

  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {

  gettimeofday(&o_end, NULL);

  if (n > 1)
    display_rate(o_start, o_end, sz * n);

void delete_files(int n)
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

void usage(char **argv) 
  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <name> <size>\n", argv[0]);
  fprintf(stderr, " Creates files name0, name1 ... nameN in parallel all of given size (in Mb)\n");

void run_test(int n, int s)

  create_files(n, s);

  read_files(n, s);



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned int  s = 512;
  strcpy(base_name, "temp_");

  if (argc > 1) {
    int len = strlen(argv[1]);
    if ((len == 0) || (len >= MAX_NAME) || (*argv[1] == '-'))
    strcpy(base_name, argv[1]);

#if 0
  if (argc > 2) {
    n = atoi(argv[2]);
    if ((n == 0) || (n > 10))

  if (argc > 2) {
    s = atoi(argv[2]);
    if ((s == 0) || (s > 4000))

  if (argc > 3) {

  run_test(1, s);
  run_test(2, s / 2);
  //run_test(4, s / 4);

  return 0;

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